Category: Blog

Depression Anxiety Therapy

The leading cause of disability in Canada is a mental illness and the effects of depression and anxiety alone can be pretty devesting on both individual and societal levels. The main benefit of the prevalence of mental illness is that it is becoming more accepted as a condition that needs to be treated. As the


Sometimes it is said that without a little sadness we can never truly understand happiness. When that sadness begins to stretch on for weeks, however, is when it becomes dangerous and turns into depression which requires depression counseling for treatment. While a couple of days of “the blues” is normal, extended periods of sadness or


Anxiety disorders are shockingly prevalent throughout Canada with an estimate of over 3 million Canadians reporting that they have anxiety disorders. Most of these Canadians sought anxiety therapy, although nearly 25% did not. As anxiety disorders become more commonplace in our society the stigma previously associated with therapy for anxiety is fading away. Reaching out

depression therapy mississauga

Approximately 50% of young adults in Canada who have a mental health concern seek therapy for depression. This statistic highlights not only the growing number of individuals (1 in 5 at any given time) who experience mental health concerns like depression and anxiety but also the acceptance of depression therapy as a treatment option for

Family Therapy Counselling in Mississauga

Solving Difficulties with Family Therapy Teenagers are one of the most vulnerable populations in Canada with the highest chance of experiencing mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. In Ontario alone, over 34% of all high-school students say that they suffer moderate to serious levels of anxiety and depression. Over 14% say that they endure

depression therapy in mississauga

We Treat Depression with Therapy in Mississauga Trauma, body chemistry imbalances, chronic illnesses and having a series of difficult events in your life can all lead sufferers to search for depression therapy. Fifty percent of all Canadians will have suffered a mental illness like depression or anxiety by the time they are 40 years old,

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