Category: Services

depression therapy in mississauga

We Treat Depression with Therapy in Mississauga Trauma, body chemistry imbalances, chronic illnesses and having a series of difficult events in your life can all lead sufferers to search for depression therapy. Fifty percent of all Canadians will have suffered a mental illness like depression or anxiety by the time they are 40 years old,

grief counseling mississauga

Grief is a complex emotion that can leave you feeling an extraordinary sense of loss as well as suffering. No matter how much we try to avoid it, grief will come to all of us at some point in our life. Depending on the depth of our grief and suffering we may need a grief


Sometimes a simple disagreement or dispute between couples can spiral out of control creating a foreboding separation that only couple’s counseling can rectify. What starts as a small dispute can quickly grow thorny, driving each other apart, when couples do not know how to communicate effectively with each other. Couples Therapy Can Help When communication

Grief Counseling Therapy MIssissauga

The loss of a loved one is a devastating event that can leave you in a whirlwind of emotions and suffering which grief counseling can help you sort out. When you have lost someone in your life you are often left feeling very lonely.  A wide gulf exists where that person once was in your


Uncontrolled anger can affect your entire life and everyone in it. When you have anger management problems your anger can cloud your judgment making it impossible for you to make well-thought-out decisions. It also causes your flight or fight response to trigger pushing you towards adrenal fatigue. This can leave you feeling tired and exhausted

Grief Therapy Mississauga

Grief from mild to overwhelming can deeply affect your entire life. Overwhelming grief can paralyze you, driving you into depression and leaving you unable to interact with people you love or enjoy the things that you used to do. Grief can steal your focus from those who are living around you and from all the

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