Benefits of Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety puts us on edge. Beyond stressful events, we feel it every day for various reasons. Talking to strangers, avoiding finding a solution to the problem, and tumbling in unfamiliar situations puts you in a state of uncertainty and fear that can become a habit. Anxiety is a difficult mental health illness to live with

Marriage Counselling

If you’re in a marriage that’s become challenging or strained, you may be considering marriage counselling as a way to help you both strengthen your relationship. However, the idea of meeting with a neutral third party to discuss personal issues can seem like an intimidating prospect at first. But don’t let that stop you from

Anger Management Therapy

Cultivating positive relationships is key to a happy life. Anger can be an isolating and destructive emotion, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Many people navigate their lives by the principle, “If you can’t say something nice…” This isn’t a bad motto but it shouldn’t be your only option when dealing with toxic

depression therapy mississauga therapist

Sometimes it is difficult to determine if you have a case of “the blues” or full-blown depression which could benefit from depression therapy. Everyone gets very sad from time to time but most people are able to bounce back quickly. Some amount of sadness is normal and does not require the assistance of a depression

grief therapy mississauga

Relentless and powerful, like waves crashing against a break wall, grief can easily overwhelm us and disrupt our daily lives. Awash in pain we might withdraw from those that are closest to us for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes it makes sense to seek out a grief therapist and talk to a compassionate specialist. Here

depression therapy holidays

The holiday season is the time for friends, couples, and family to gather together and celebrate the season with good cheer. From family dinners to ice skating on the lake, you can see smiles on the faces of so many people happy to be enjoying social time together. Unfortunately, for some individuals, seeing others celebrating

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