
Stress has become an expected part of our daily lives and it is doing harm to our bodies. Stress management therapy can help you mitigate the effects of stress and help you to relax. Stress is the result of the constant triggering of our body’s flight or fight response. Stress can lead to physiological changes

Grief Therapist MIssissauga

While we understand that death is a part of life, losing someone we love, especially a family member can be devastating and heartbreaking. Grief can become overwhelming and consume our lives. If we were especially attached to the family member, the grief will be worse. The loss of a spouse or child can be isolating;


From road rage to the bullying boss, we have grown accustomed to seeing anger in its many forms. If we know how to manage anger it can be a useful, even motivational, emotion that encourages us to support a cause or achieve great things. Often though, anger is a destructive force in our lives, causing

Counseling for Depression Mississauga

Everyone at some point in their life feels sad or blue. As a part of the human condition, these feeling are absolutely normal. It is when the sadness deepens into depression and interferes with your daily living activities that you may need to seek counseling for depression. Brain Chemistry Imbalance Depression is, at its core,


Depression effects everyone, especially in relationships. When one person in a marriage or relationship is depressed or suffering mentally it can take a toll on both parties and the relationship itself will suffer. Over the years I have dealt with many clients who fall into this category and I always stress the importance of a


All jokes aside, melancholic depression is a form of major depressive disorder (MDD) where life often seems meaningless or without purpose. Symptoms of melancholic depression include: lack of energy, usually in the morning difficulty facing mundane tasks (such as getting out of bed or showering) physical and cognitive slowness (feeling like you are moving or

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